PCFM Vendor Manual

Post 2023 New Vendor

After reading this manual, new vendors can apply through our website here. A $20 marketing fee is required upon acceptance of your application. If you wish to change your product lineup, you must submit an Offerings Addendum, which may incur additional fees.

Both the initial application fee and addendum fees help fund market entertainment. The $20 application fee is renewed annually in January, regardless of when you applied. For example, if you joined in December, you’d pay $20 in December and again in January. Each time you pay the application fee, you receive a credit toward your Offerings Addendum.

Please be aware that vending at the market, which is held on private property, is a privilege and does not establish any contractual rights. The application process is designed to clearly define the items you are permitted to sell. Vendors cannot sell products not specified in their application. For such changes, the Offerings Addendum and an additional $20 fee are necessary.

We do not accept MLM-style businesses at our market. We do not allow Temu resellers. We do not accept CBD vendors. Sorry for any inconvenience.

If you are completely new to markets and business, here is a guide to help.

All vendors must display copies of ALL required licenses and certifications  that are lawfully required to run their business.

Palm Coast and Flagler County Business Tax Receipts will be checked on site.

All vendors selling consumable products, skincare products, and edible products for pets are required to have General Liability policy covering $1,000,000 with $2,000,000 in aggregate. The policy must have coverage for bodily injury, property damage, advertising injury, and medical expenses.

All other vendors can choose to purchase an optional $300,000 policy with $600,000 in aggregate. If you choose not to purchase a policy, you must sign a notarized personal guarantee.

Insurance Policies must have the follow listed as additionally insured:

Palm Coast Farmers Market LLC
146 Palm Coast Resort BLVD
Unit 703
Palm Coast, FL 32137

European Village Commercial Association
101 Palm Harbor Parkway
Palm Coast, FL 32137

Why do we care about insurance?

After your application is accepted, begin booking your reservations through email, as described in the Reservation and Payment section of this manual.

All new vendors shall have a four-week trial period prior to final approval of the Vendor Application. This trial period shall be used to establish whether or not the vendor is a good fit for the market. Standards for acceptance include quality of product, quality of display, attendance, demeanor, and compliance with market rules. At this time, the market managers will inform of any items that need to be removed from the vendor’s offerings.

You must submit a new application.

Welcome to the Palm Coast Farmer’s Market At The European Village where our purpose extends beyond commerce. We are dedicated to delivering value to our vendors, European Village businesses, and the local community in a family-oriented environment.

Our primary objective is to provide vendors with a platform to directly connect with the public and offer their products. By doing so, we contribute to the development of a stronger community. Our commitment lies in delivering a welcoming and high-quality experience that will encourage visitors to return to The European Village time and time again.

“Market Culture” are the values and behaviors that keep our business healthy and happy. It creates the experience we’re seeking for vendors and customers. 


Respect is essential in our market community. We all rely on each other to make the market successful, so it’s important to treat both vendors and customers with the highest respect to encourage growth and teamwork.

When disagreements happen, respect can often be overlooked. Only the market manager is allowed to enforce rules. If you think another vendor needs correction, please talk to the market manager first.

No Negativity

We strive to keep a positive atmosphere and discourage negativity. Speaking badly about other vendors, the market, its management, or policies can hurt morale, sales, and energy. This kind of negativity can disrupt the market. If you have concerns, please talk to market management. We are here to help and listen.

If you notice ongoing negativity, report it to market management. Encourage the person being negative to address their concerns with management. All reports will be kept confidential. If multiple complaints are received about someone, we will address it with them. If needed, and after trying to resolve the issue, a vendor may be asked to leave the market permanently. If you find yourself frequently in disagreements, see it as an opportunity for personal growth and improvement.


Please refrain from engaging in conversation with vendors who are with customers. Ask if they are available to speak during business hours as a courtesy. Try to be as thoughtful as possible.

Minors Policy

Anyone under the age of 18 cannot work at the market without being accompanied by an adult.

Weather Policies

We are a rain-or-shine market and remain open during inclement weather unless we determine the situation poses a safety threat to vendors and customers. The Market Manager, in conjunction with any appointed authority, will decide if the market is to be canceled because of weather. If the market is canceled, an email will be sent to everyone via the email they use for the market. We will make a Facebook Post too. Market dues will be credited in such an event. For more information about Rain or Shine, please click here.

The Market will not continue to operate when there is evidence of lightning in the area. In the presence of lightning, vendors should unplug all electrical gear and should find shelter in a  place they have predetermined to be safe. Often this doesn’t last long and the market will resume operations.

All vendors are required to weigh their canopies with a minimum of 25 pounds per leg. The Market Manager may require canopies to be taken down that are at risk of taking flight due to high winds or inadequate weights for the weather. A market may be canceled due to high winds.

This section contains the Golden Rules and General Rules. Rules, when referred to in this Manual, are subject to Rule Enforcement, a system which deals with unwanted behaviors. On day one of being a vendor, one should be extra careful to respect and not break Golden Rules. These rules, when broken, should be immediately reported to Market Management.

Golden Rules

Violations of Golden Rules can result in immediate dismissal

  • Sexual Harassment. (Always Immediate)
  • Profane, Vulgar, Aggressive, or Rude behavior toward anyone.
  • Complaining to others about another vendor or their products.
  • Creating a negative atmosphere in the market.
  • Confronting vendors on breaking market rules, or attempting to enforce any market rules. Vendors shall relay their concerns to Market Management.
  • Speaking ill of fellow vendors, the market, or its officials on social media will result in a permanent ban.
  • Temu Retail Sellers: You cannot sell items from Temu without drastically altering them. For instance, you can use beads, but you may not sell an entire necklace or piece of jewelry directly from Temu. Temu should be reported to market management for investigation.


General Rules
  1. Music, Noise, and Generators: No radios or car stereos shall be played at the market at any time. This includes music, talk radio, and sports events. Playing musical instruments in vendor booths is rarely permitted and requires permission from the Market Manager. Due to the residential nature of the European Village, vendors shall refrain from shouting or loud noises during set-up.  Generators and gas-powered inverters are not permitted within the walls of the European Village.
  2. Solicitation: No aggressive solicitation of products for sale is permitted. You may not walk around to try and bring customers back to your booth.
  3. Market Issues and Redress: Any problems and complaints shall be brought directly to and resolved by Market Management.
  4. Smoking: Vendors may not smoke or spit within the boundaries of the market. Vendors may only smoke outside the market boundaries in areas where secondary smoke does not drift into the vending area.
  5. Taxable items: Vendors selling taxable items are responsible for collecting and filing their own sales tax.
  6. Market and Space Upkeep: Vendors are required to keep their space and surrounding area clean, neat, and in sanitary condition. All waste and unsold products must be removed from the Market. Vendors shall not dump ice in any area of the venue. Vendors shall not dump any liquids or solids in the storm grates other than clean water. The cardboard dumpster shall be used ONLY for cardboard boxes that must be broken down.
  7. Liability: Vendors accept complete liability for their products and personal property. Prepared food vendors shall include proof and provide copies of adequate product and liability insurance with their applications.
  8. Compliance: Vendors shall comply with all federal, state, local, and special statutes and  ordinances regarding public health, safety, and welfare including those that govern the sale of their products.
  9. Religious/Political Solicitation: Vendors shall not use booth space to promote religious or political merchandise or agendas.
  10. Attire: Appropriate attire shall be worn. Shoes and shirts are required.
  11. Farmer’s Limited Exclusive: Actual farmers and producers of their product will have limited exclusivity. Meaning, any true farmer can sell anything they make, such as honey. However, brokers/resellers of farm products already being offered will not be allowed to sell these products.
  12. Pets: Pets are not allowed at the market, for sanitary reasons.

1. Notification of Violation

If a vendor violates the Rules & Regulations of the market, the Market Manager shall issue a “Notification of Violation” to the vendor via email. The notification shall specify the rule violation and inform the vendor that any future violations of the rule during the market year shall result in dismissal from the market for the following four consecutive markets.

2. Permanent Dismissal

Any subsequent violations of the market rule after the vendor returns from the four-week period shall result in permanent dismissal from the market.

3. Exceptions

Aggressive or offensive behavior shall result in immediate and permanent dismissal from the market and will not be afforded Notification of Violation.

4. Appeals Process
  • Appeals: Vendors may appeal any decision made by the Market Manager to be dealt with at the Market Manager’s discretion.
  • Procedure: An appeal must be submitted in writing within one week of receiving the Notification of Violation. The appeal will be reviewed by a committee of market stakeholders, and a decision will be made within two weeks.
  • Final Decision: The decision of the appeals committee is final and binding.
5. Educational Sessions
  • Purpose: Vendors who receive a Notification of Violation may be required to attend an educational session on market rules and regulations through Discord.
  • Content: These sessions may cover proper market behavior, rules adherence, and the importance of maintaining a positive market environment.
  • Completion: Successful completion of the session is mandatory before the vendor can return to the market after the suspension period.
6. Mediation for Conflicts
  • Neutral Mediator: In cases of conflicts between vendors or between a vendor and a customer, a market manager will mediate.
  • Process: Mediation sessions aim to resolve disputes amicably and prevent further violations.
  • Outcome: Mediation outcomes will be documented, and compliance with the agreed terms will be monitored.
7. Probation Period
  • Return After Violation: Vendors returning from a suspension period will be placed on probation for the next four markets.
  • Monitoring: During this period, their behavior and compliance with market rules will be closely monitored.
  • Feedback: Regular feedback will be provided to help the vendor improve and fully integrate back into the market community.
Step-by-Step Process
  1. Initial Violation and Notification:

    • Incident Occurs: A rule violation is identified by the Market Manager.
    • Notification Issued: A detailed email is sent to the vendor specifying the violation and warning of potential consequences for future violations.
  2. Vendor Response:

    • Acknowledgment: Vendor acknowledges receipt of the notification.
    • Optional Appeal: Vendor may choose to appeal the decision within one wee
  3. Suspension for Subsequent Violations:

    • Second Violation: If another violation occurs within the same market year, the vendor is dismissed for four consecutive markets.
    • Reinstatement and Probation: After the suspension, the vendor returns under probation.
  4. Permanent Dismissal:

    • Further Violations: Any further violations after returning from suspension result in permanent dismissal.
  5. Immediate Dismissal for Severe Behavior:

    • Aggressive/Offensive Conduct: Immediate and permanent dismissal without prior notification for severe misconduct.
Booth Size and Location

Booth sizes are typically 10’ x 10’ . Spots are decided by market management and aimed for the collective good of the market. If you think someone may be in your booth, only approach the market managers for clarification, not the vendor.

Every consideration will be given as to the continuity of location for vendors. However, it may be necessary for a vendor to be moved for various reasons. We’d just like to keep the market as successful and safe as possible.

We are testing posting the booth locations for the day. To see your spot on the map, you must book and pay by Wednesday each week. If you do not see your name on the list by Friday morning, please ask about your booth location. This will be available starting January 14th.


Electricity is currently included on the inner circle and provided at no charge. Electricity will be distributed according to who needs it the most. We will prioritize food vendors. Heaters are not allowed on the circuit. You may plug in a single cord to one of our designated power strips. You may not plug directly into an outlet without our getting approval. If you’re unsure of where to plug in, please ask a market manager.

To request a booth for your date(s) of interest, email PalmCoastFarmersMarket386@gmail.com. We will return your request with an invoice of available dates. Please be sure to review your dates and submit payment to secure your reservation(s).

Market Dues for 10′ x 10′

$30 Vending Booth

$50 Information Booth

Market Dues for 10′ x 20′

$60 Vending Booth

$75 Informational Booth

Payment Options

Bank ACH: Payable through emailed digital Invoice.

Check: Payable to Palm Coast Farmers Market. Minimum $120 per check.
Venmo: @PalmCoastFarmersMarket386
Zelle: PalmCoastFarmersMarket386@gmail.com
CashApp: $PCFM386

Refunds and Crediting

Requesting a date and having it approved implies a commitment on your part to be at that specific market. It means we have reserved booth space for you on that market day. We do not provide market dues refunds. We only provide credits. Credits are only guaranteed if a market is cancelled. Night markets and special events may have different refund policies.

Everyone counts on each other to show up for the time they reserve. We can’t build our foot traffic with missing vendors. 

We understand things happen! Here are the considerations for absenteeism and what we consider acceptable. There are only 52 markets in a year, so we need a reliable crew to make the best market possible. We may restrict vendors for a length of our choosing if they exhibit:

  • Four callouts in a single calendar year after Wednesday
  • Three same-day callouts in a single calendar year

The European Village

101 Palm Harbor Parkway

Palm Coast FL


Setup Time

Setup starts as early as 9 am and ends at 11:45 am. All vendors should be completely set up at least 15 minutes prior to the market.

This is a residential venue and setup is prohibited before 9 am. This shall be strictly enforced if we receive complaints. If you arrive to set up after 11:45 am, we’ll ask that you refrain from setting up due to liability issues. Market staff is not available to assist with vendor setup. Market staff are not available before 9 am, as they are preparing the venue.

Vendors must swiftly unload at a designated unloading zone and position their items out of the way. Then, promptly relocate their vehicles to designated Vendor Parking areas before transporting items to their booth locations. In order to maintain efficient operations, carrying items to your booth from the unloading area while your vehicle is still parked in the unloading area is not allowed.

We suggest opening 1 table to set up items upon. Never pull onto the venue’s pavers with a vehicle.

In summary, be sure to:

  1. Unload at one of the designated sites pictured below. (green dots)
  2. Put your items off to the side and out of the way.
  3. Move your vehicle to a designated vendor parking lot.
  4. Move your items to your booth.
Vendor Parking

Vendors must park in the designated locations along the toll bridge to allow customers plenty of opportunity to park. Only large trucks may use the parking lot. This does not include pick-up trucks. Those licensed to use handicapped parking spots do not have to park in vendor parking.

Booths should be tidy and attractive. Fitted table coverings are preferred and table legs should not show. Tents should be in fair condition without holes.

All transacting businesses must display a copy of their eligible:

  • Palm Coast Business Tax Receipt
  • Flagler County Business Tax Receipt
  • Licensing pertaining to their operations.


Signage: Vendors must display their business name clearly. Within the vendor space, signs, banners, sidewalls, and vertical displays may not exceed the height of a standard 10’X10’ tent. Signs shall be well-anchored. Flags are NOT permitted in the grass of the central venue. Flags used must be securely attached to a tent leg.

Some types of signage, such as sandwich/A-frame signs may be located slightly outside the front of vendor space if space permits. They shall be of modest size and height and placed in such a manner that they do not block customer traffic, visibility of adjacent booths, or create a tripping hazard because they are too short to see. The Market Manager may prohibit the use of any type of signage projecting outside a booth that does not meet these requirements.

All weights and elements of your setup should be within the boundaries of the canopy legs with nothing outside or protruding toward a neighboring vendor.

Unless you are a food vendor, your display should face inwards, meaning customers can only shop from 1 side of your 4 walls. Using two sides will result in a $10 additional booth fee. Please request this if desired.

If your food operation drops oil, the ground must be covered to protect the pavers from staining. Vendors are responsible for any cleaning fees incurred by their operations.

Canopy weights must be a minimum of 25 pounds per leg (100 pounds) and well-attached. Weights shall not be anchored via ropes that cause a tripping hazard. Weights should not protrude into the walkway, or act as a tripping hazard in any way.

We recommend weight systems that wrap the weights to the legs of the tent. For example:

Unacceptable Weight Systems

Plate weights, like those pictured below, must be used in conjunction with standard sandbags on top of them. Please do not use them by themselves.

Weights with Broken Loop or Any Damaged Weights

Loops are prone to failure. These must be replaced if loops break. Buying larger straps to attach these to tent poles for reinforcement is highly recommended. Remember, you are responsible for any damage your display causes when it flies away. This includes bodily harm.

Current Business hours are marketed from 12 pm to 4 pm. Vendors may sell before opening if they desire. Booths must remain set up during the entire hours of operation. If you sell out of product and wish to leave your booth, leave a sign. This allows the market to continue without disruption.

Teardown procedures are scheduled to commence promptly at 4 pm. Vendors are not permitted to begin breaking down their booths before this designated time. Additionally, it is important to note that sales must cease by 4:30 pm. This regulation is in place to ensure the safety of shoppers, allowing them to exit the market site before vendors bring their vehicles on-site.

Furthermore, it is imperative that all vendors have their booths packed, cleaned, and fully vacated by 5:00 pm. To maintain cleanliness and organization, please dispose of any trash in the outskirts dumpsters labeled with the color green. Please refrain from using the venue’s trash cans for this purpose. Additionally, cardboard boxes must be broken down and placed in the designated cardboard box dumpster, marked with the color red.

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